Lost Gravity House Mod

Lost Gravity House Mod
Hello everyone.
I am back with a modern Futuristic style home for you to enjoy.
Most of the furniture looks like CC but this house is CC free Except for the windows that I have made.
That means NO CC NEEDED to play this house Except for the windows that I have made.
I just combined a lot of objects to create different looking furniture.
This house take a lot of inspiration to a Sims 3 house that i have built Before.
I really love the Geometric shapes in most of the rooms especially the Kitchen.
I would not recommend placing this lot unfurnished because you would loose al the detailing in the ceilings and so on. Place with Cheat (—- > bb.moveobjects on < —-) Lot Size: 50×40 Lot Price (furnished): $431.910