Blank Meshes Canvas and Rugs Mod

Blank Meshes Canvas and Rugs Mod
Blank Meshes for all of you recolor artists that are having trouble with the extra textures required for sims 4. These have generic textures and all you need to do is replace your textures in the appropriate spots on the diffuse. These meshes are free to use anyplace on and off TSR. I only ask for a link back and credit. I hope you have fun with these!
These meshes can be cloned with either TSRW or Studio. But a warning with Studio, you will have to remove the original EA dds files as TSRW keeps the original references in the package. S4PE can locate those dds files where you can remove them. With TSRW this should not be necessary.
Recoloring Allowed: Yes
Creating Tool used: TSR Workshop