Boba Fett’s Armor Cleaned Mod

Boba Fett’s Armor Cleaned Mod
*Helmet voice effect requires Journey to Batuu installed in order to work.
Looking for a cleaner Mandalorian Armor?
This is a clothing mod for Boba Fett’s Armor and Helmet all cleaned up. Journey to Batuu game pack is required to fully enjoy the new helmet voice effect. Also included is the Boba Fett’s untouched original helmet texture if you just want to have the voice effect. I’ve also included an optional package file for the helmets if you don’t have Journey to Batuu game pack installed.
Installation Instructions
-Extract the contents of this zip file, then be sure to put it in your Sims 4 mods folder usually found under Documents (eg. C:UsersYourUsernameDocumentsElectronic ArtsThe Sims 4Mods).
Where to find the armor and helmet?
The armor and helmet, like the original Boba Fett outfit and helmet, are available for use with Teens, Young Adults, Adults, and Elders. The armor is only available for males.
-The helmet can be found on the Hats section (available in all outfit categories including Sleepwear).
-The armor is on the Full Body clothing section (available in all outfit categories including Sleepwear).
Other notes
As always, enjoy it! And as a sign of respect, please be sure to ask my permission first before modifying and/or posting it online as your own mod. Respect modder/author’s work. I appreciate it. Happy Bounty Hunting!