Dust Buster Mod: Control the Dust Mod

Dust Buster Mod: Control the Dust Mod
This mod requires the Bust the Dust Kit. Tested up to
This mod adds new interactions to let you control the dust level on any floor of your home. If you’re visiting a messy friend you can even clean up their lot in a snap! Interactions are immediate and will not require your sim to be on the targeted floor.
Hotfix: v2 (2021-06-15)
Fixed issue with dust overlay not matching commodity value
The .package file provides the interactions, and the .ts4script is required to inject the interactions to the terrain object.
All interactions and loot are custom therefore any mods that alter the way the dust system works, for example the speed at which dust accumulates, will NOT conflict with this mod.
Set Dust Level: Dirty
Set Dust Level: Clean
Set Dust Level: Filthy
Set Dust Level: Dusty