Eco Lifestyle – Roof Pattern – Solar Panels Mod

Eco Lifestyle – Roof Pattern – Solar Panels Mod
As the Solar Tile roof pattern that came with the Eco Lifestyle expansion pack isn’t looking that great in my opinion, I’ve decided to make a new Solar Panels roof pattern.
It comes in 5 different blue-colored recolors as I wanted it to look as realistic as possible. Now I know that most solar panels are black, but that didn’t looked that good in-game.
Just as the Solar Tile roof pattern it produces power and counts towards a Green Eco Footprint. It also has a small positive environment score of 1.
For more information especially about how to add the solar panels only to a part of the roof like on the thumbnail, take a look at the video!
Object information:
This mod requires the Eco Lifestyle Expansion Pack.
It’s a Standalone pattern, so it won’t override any other patterns in game.
To find it, go to the roof pattern section in build mode.
It can be recognized by my “BakieGaming” icon in the lower right corner of the thumbnail.
The costs are: 0 Simoleons
Game Requirements:
Eco Lifestyle Expansion Pack
Game Version:
Tested with gameversion:
I hope you like this Eco Lifestyle Solar Panels roof pattern and if you do, please leave a comment!
If you want to use it in screenshots or videos, be sure to give me some credit!
Additional Credits:
Thanks to the Sims 4 Studio
Thanks Adobe for making Photoshop