Education Transportation Career Mod

Education Transportation Career Mod
Yo! I have a Education Transportation career for you! I really wanted to have something like this in my game so I decided to make one! It’s ten levels and focuses heavily on the handiness and charisma skill and touches lightly on the writing skill. Enjoy!
In the Education Transportation career, you are responsible for transporting students to and from school following a scheduled route and ensuring their safety. Your duties as a bus driver includes ensuring proper vehicle maintenance, observing safety and traffic rules, and maintaining order among students while they are on the bus. As you work your way up that yellow ladder, you’ll find yourself with a little more responsibility but with easier hours and larger paycheck. Kaching! And let’s not forget you’ll be the one in charge… one day. (10 levels)
Level 1: Education Transportation Coursework
You’ve got your own spot in the classroom, but only until you complete all the training hours required and pass your exam! (You can do this!) You’ll spend a few weeks learning all the rules and regulations of operating a school bus and practicing to get your Commercial Driver’s License. Make sure to learn all you can!
Information: Days: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu — Hours: 8:00 – 15:00 (7 hours) — Salary: ﹩20
Level 2: Education Transportation Shadowing
While you’re waiting to test to obtain to your CDL, you’re shadowing another bus driver. You’ll experience a day in the seat of a bus driver firsthand. You’ll learn the in’s and out’s and pick up valuable tips and tricks along the way. You’re not going to be doing anything other than sitting there, so best use that time wisely and pay attention!
Information: Days: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri — Hours: 6:00 – 15:00 (9 hours) — Salary: ﹩30
Level 3: Substitute Bus Driver
You did! You earned your CDL! (Did you have any doubt?) You’re officially a bus driver. You’re only filling in when you’re needed right now, but still. You’ll be on different routes each day but hey, you’ll get a head start on learning the route you’ll eventually have full time. Keep those laws and regulations fresh in your mind! And be sure to start practicing that “Sit down and behave before I pull this bus over!” voice, too.
Information: Days: Mon, Tue, Fri — Hours: 6:00 – 11:00 (5 hours) — Salary: ﹩34
Level 4: Extracurricular Bus Driver
You’ll get to sleep in, enjoy it now, but you’ll be pulling evening shifts for a little while. You’re in charge of transporting to and from extracurricular activities. Ball games, mostly. Hope you’re a sports fan.
Information: Days: Mon, Wed, Fri — Hours: 15:00 – 21:00 (6 hours) — Salary: ﹩38
Level 5: Part Time Bus Driver
You’re part time and you’re working a couple routes. A morning shift for one, a drop off shift for another, but you’re certainly starting to work your way up that yellow ladder! Hang in there! That full time route is going to be yours soon!
Information: Days: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri — Hours: 5:00 – 10:00 (5 hours) — Salary: ﹩42
Level 6: Full Time Bus Driver
You are now the students’ favorite bus driver! (Well, the students riding your bus anyway!) You know your route like the back of your hand and make great timing in the mornings and afternoons. No more bouncing back-and-forth from different routes and definitely no evening extracurricular trips!
Information: Days: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri — Hours: 5:00 – 16:00 (11 hours) — Salary: ﹩49
Level 7: Training Supervisor
Another day on the bus, but this time you’re not behind the wheel. You’re training newbies now! You’ll make sure they are following the same rules and regulations you had to and show them around the neighborhood.
Information: Days: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri — Hours: 8:00 – 16:00 (8 hours) — Salary: ﹩54
Level 8: Dispatcher
You know each bus number, each road, and each driver! You’ll be on stand-by just in case you need to call out help. Whether it be 911 or another bus driver because a bus has a flat tire, you’re in charge. And you really like talking into the CB, don’t ya?
Information: Days: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri — Hours: 7:00 – 15:00 (8 hours) — Salary: ﹩58
Level 9: Area Supervisor
You are responsible for all drivers in your county. That’s a lot of schools and a lot of drivers! You’re in charge of scheduling subs when needed, keeping up with drivers annual renewals and refresher courses when needed, as well as evaluations. It’s a busy job but someone’s got to do it!
Information: Days: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri — Hours: 6:00 – 14:00 (8 hours) — Salary: ﹩64
Level 10: Director of Education Transportation
You’ve done it. You’re in charge of it all! You make all the calls. Snow days? Early dismissals due to weather or other hazardous conditions? Delays? That’s all you! The busses don’t run unless you allow it. How does it feel to hold all that power?
Information: Days: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu — Hours: 7:00 – 15:00 (8 hours) — Salary: ﹩74