Fame Career TS1 to TS4 Mod

Fame Career TS1 to TS4 Mod
This career is a rabbit hole career it has no chance cards or rewards, it has 11 Levels they are described as Stars. The career is suitable for teens to Elder.
UPDATE: 11/20/2018 /
Fame Career
The lights! The cameras! The adoration!All this you can have if you make an effort! As a fame star, it’s not easy, you have to accept that your private life is over!
Level 1- 0 stars: Nobody
Working Days : M – W – F – S
$35 Per Hour
Ideal Mood: Happy
PTO per day: 0.25
Objectives: Charisma 1
The lights! The cameras! The adoration! Maybe some day, but for now you’re just a little stain on the big sheet that is Studio Town. Figure out an obnoxious way to get noticed quick, or the show WON’T go on.
Level 2- 0.5 stars: Stepping Stone
Working Days : M T – T – S –
$50 Per Hour
Ideal Mood: Happy
PTO per day: 0.25
Objectives: Charisma 2
Most dogs get treated better than this… and your earning power is about as exciting as your lowly star power… Channel your bitterness and frustrations into your work, so someday… YOU’LL be on top.
Level 3- 1 stars: Insider
Working Days : – – W T F S –
$65 Per Hour
Ideal Mood: Inspired
PTO per day: 0.25
Objectives: Charisma 3 and Painting 1
It’s time to leave your delusions behind. This isn’t magic… this ISN’T glamour… THIS IS A SYSTEM, and you had better start learning to work it if you want to see the big bucks and your name in lights. Get creative… of they will tell you to get lost.
Level 4- 1.5 stars: Name Dropper
Working Days : M – – – F S S
$80 Per Hour
Ideal Mood: Energized
PTO per day: 0.25
Objectives: Charisma 4, Painting 2 and Fitness 1
You’ve arrived… At the understanding that being a star is HARD work! Pump up your body and presentation skills, as you pump palms around Studio Town. Nobody said this would easy.
Level 5- 2 stars: Studio Fly
Working Days : – – W T F S –
$100 Per Hour
Ideal Mood: Energized
PTO per day: 0.25
Objectives: Charisma 5, Painting 3 and Fitness 2
People are talking. Your fan mail is growing! Sure, you’re only B-list, but people recognize you on the street, plus it SORT OF feels good to see yourself in the tabloids! In fact, maybe you should look for NEW ways to get famous. Sure it’s great to “be discovered,” but can you afford to wait?
Level 6 – 2.5 stars: Sell Out
Working Days : – T W – – S S
$150 Per Hour
Ideal Mood: Inspired
PTO per day: 0.25
Objectives: Charisma 6, Fitness 3 and Painting 4
You thought it couldn’t happen to you… You were going to make a masterpiece, stick to your friends, and change the system… from the “inside.” Think again. Studio Town is nothing more than an unstoppable, unregulated, unthinking, UNFEELING money-making machine. You can’t fight it… you can only RIDE it, so hang on!
Level 7 – 3 stars: Trendsetter
Working Days : – T W – – S S
$200 Per Hour
Ideal Mood: Inspired
PTO per day: 0.25
Objectives: Charisma 7, Fitness 4 and Painting 5
Those ridiculous pants you wore last week are hugging every hipster’s waist this week! You’re an underground smash just WAITING to break out, if only you knew the right people! Seperate from the herd, by MAKING yourself heard, by everyone in Studio Town.
Level 8 – 3.5 stars: Player
Working Days : M – – – F S S
$325 Per Hour
Ideal Mood: Happy
PTO per day: 0.25
Objectives: Charisma 8, Fitness 5 and Painting 6
This is the point at which your fans start getting… obsessive. Just go with it. The more they squawk, the more famous you become. Fan the flames by dropping names, and making sure you get lots of “face time” in Studio Town. Fame… it’s the only game in town… STUDIO Town that is!
Level 9 – 4 stars: Talk of the Town
Working Days : – T – T F S –
$425 Per Hour
Ideal Mood: Energized
PTO per day: 0.25
Objectives: Charisma 9, Fitness 6 and Painting 7
15 minutes of fame… HA! Magazines, billboards, talk shows… your face is everywhere! But nobody told you it would be so much work! Plus it seems the more money you earn, the more money you burn… Keep your name in lights, or you might find just yourself… a fading star.
Level 10 – 4.5 stars: Celebrity
Working Days : M T W T – – –
$750 Per Hour
Ideal Mood: Happy
PTO per day: 0.25
Objectives: Charisma 10, Fitness 7 and Painting 8
They say the candle that burns twice as bright burns half as long… and your star has been VERY bright lately. This is the DEFINING moment of your career… will you claw your way to the top to become a TRUE superstar… or just another HAS-BEEN, born to litter the tabloids in a pseudo-celebrity limbo? The choice is up to you.
Level 11 – 5 stars: Superstar
Working Days : M T – T – S –
$1000 Per Hour
Ideal Mood: Inspired
PTO per day: 0.25
Objectives: Fitness 8 and Painting 9
The world… is your OYSTER! Who said it was lonely at the top? You’ve got more friends and fans than you know what to do with! Sure, you’ve burned some bridges on the way, but that’s the mark of a true artist, nay… A GENIOUS! No wonder they worship the ground you walk on! You DESERVE IT! HOW SWEET IT IS!!! But… will it last?
Skills: Charisma, Fitness and Painting
Language : English
Built with Game Version: PC
Basic Download and Install Instructions:
1. Download: Click the File tab to see the download link. Click the link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract: Use WinRAR (Windows) to extract the file(s) from the .rar or .zip file(s).
3. Cut and paste the file(s) into your Mods folder
Windows XP: Documents and Settings(Current User Account)My DocumentsElectronic ArtsThe Sims 4Mods
Windows Vista/7/8/8.1: Users(Current User Account)DocumentsElectronic ArtsThe Sims 4Mods
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Anyone can use both .rar and .zip files easily! On Windows, use WinRAR.
If you don’t have a Mods folder, just make one.