Gohliad’s Quartz Eyes Fixed – Human Defaults Mod

Gohliad’s Quartz Eyes Fixed – Human Defaults Mod
Some of you may still remember that a fantastic CC creator Gohliad retired back in 2017 and subsequently left her content unsupported. Luckily, she allowed players to keep her legacy alive as long as the stuff isn’t put behind paywalls and the credit is given. My most favorite creation of hers is definitely the Quartz Eyes, so I decided to fix them by using CmarNYC’s amazing utility, and redrawing some of the mismatched swatches by myself.
What you need to know:
– These are default replacements for humans
– They are maxis match and have all the 18 maxis swatches, but some of them only slightly differ from the EA’s ones
Additional Credits:
Jade aka Gohliad
Sims 4 Studio
Adobe Photoshop