Immersive Farts Mod

Immersive Farts Mod
Immersive Farts is a standalone mod that introduces a whole new level of immersion with farts. Have you ever thought that the world needs more farts? Of course you did, everybody thinks that, and that’s why you need the Immersive Farts mod! Don’t fool yourself, this is nature, it happens all the time, and with this mod, Sims can experience the glory of spontaneously releasing some butt gas into the room with lots of other Sims around. This level of immersion is incredible, you must try it!
All Sims participate in the glory of farting, with the exception of Proper Sims. A low Bladder level is responsible for making certain Sims more likely to release gases often. And advanced balancing mechanics assure that Sims don’t fart often enough to negatively affect the Eco Footprint (they can’t, btw).
Patch Notes
1.0 (April 1st)
First Release
Immersive Farts is available in 12 languages: Chinese (Traditional), Chinese (Simplified), Czech, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Russian, and Spanish.
Thank you to all of the beautiful translators that contributed to this mod!
The Immersive Farts Mod is a PACKAGE file and a TS4SCRIPT file. You are required to place both of the files directly in the Mods folder or one folder deep, otherwise it will not function!
You are allowed to delete the “TURBODRIVER_ImmersiveFarting.package” file if you want to remove the reaction to farts and the smelling farts moodlet.