Part-time Criminal Career Mod

Part-time Criminal Career Mod

Compatible with base game and EPs
Patch version

Salary range: §9/h to §445/h or §316/h
Work schedule: Shifts are generally 3-4 hours long, scheduled late afternoon or nighttime.

Half the crimes, half the risk of getting caught. This career is identical to its full-time counterpart, except it requires only one-half of the work hours.

Level 1: Tough Guy/Gal To flourish in a criminal career, you need to start by building a reputation. Prove that you are worthy of trust and respect.
M T W T F S S [5pm-8pm] §9 /h = §27 /d
Mischief 2
PTO: 0.2

Level 2: Petty Thief Learn to art of evading surveillance cameras, security tags, and nosy employees.
M T W T F S – [8pm-11pm] §13 /h = §39 /d
Mischief 3
PTO: 0.22

Level 3: Ring Leader You have gathered a small posse of loyal followers. Decide what kinds of crimes they should focus on, and what kinds of victims they should spare.
– T W T F S – [8pm-12am] §17 /h = §68 /d
Mischief 4
PTO: 0.24

Level 4: Felonious Monk Your philosophy of crime is attracting more and more recruits. They are relying on you to guide them through the underworld.
– T W T F S – [7pm-10pm] §23 /h = §69 /d
Mischief 5
PTO: 0.26

Level 5: Minor Crimelord You have formed your own small, but successful, crew. They carry out your decisions on which crimes to commit, who is in or out, whom to trust — and, of course, how to split the profits.
– T W T F S – [8pm-11pm] §32 /h = §96 /d
Mischief 6
PTO: 0.28

Track 1: Part-time Boss
Become the Big Boss you’ve always dreamed of being, but work only half the hours of lesser, full-time bosses.

Level 6: The Muscle Your team relies on you for security. You decide whether a situation is best handled by simply flexing your muscles menacingly, or if a more stern approach is warranted.
– – W – F S – [10pm-1am] §106 /h = §318 /d
Mischief 7
PTO: 0.3

Level 7: Getaway Driver You are responsible for picking the least-surveilled routes, for driving fast while not raising suspicion, and showing up on time.
– – W – – S – [9pm-12am] §273 /h = §819 /d
Mischief 8, Handiness 2
PTO: 0.31

Level 8: Safe Cracker There are innumerable different kinds of locks. You will need cunning and perseverance to unlock the most complex safes.
– – W – – S S [6pm-9pm] §319 /h = §957 /d
Mischief 9, Handiness 4
PTO: 0.32

Level 9: The Brains You are the strategizing intelligence behind every successful operation. Map out the time, place, technical needs, personnel, transportation, and ski mask colours.
M – – T – – S [6pm-9pm] §383 /h = §1149 /d
Mischief 10, Handiness 6
PTO: 0.33

Level 10: The Boss Manage your underlings and their operations, while protecting your jurisdiction from other crime bosses. You will need to act carefully — you are the one that law enforcement is trying to arrest!
M – W T – – S [5pm-8pm] §445 /h = §1335 /d
PTO: 0.34

Track 2: Part-time Oracle
Same as the full-time Oracle branch, except… you have a computer at home. You really don’t need to show up to work more than half of the time.

Level 6: DigiThief Congratulations! You are now a Nigerian Prince. Share your billions with the world!
M T W T – – S [1am-5am] §43 /h = §172 /d
Mischief 7, Programming 2
PTO: 0.3

Level 7: Elite Hacker Teach banks a lesson about security by hacking into their systems and transferring some Simoleons to a more deserving recipient (you).
M T W T – – S [2am-6am] §73 /h = §292 /d
Mischief 8, Programming 4
PTO: 0.31

Level 8: Net Demon Your hacker nickname is feared throughout the internet realm. Your skill and cunning can infiltrate the most advanced security systems.
M T – T – – S [1am-5am] §130 /h = §520 /d
Mischief 9, Programming 6
PTO: 0.32

Level 9: An0nymous Ghost With your stealth, no one can detect your presence. You can obtain the most top-secret information or steal from the most high-profile targets… with impunity.
M T – T – – S [1am-4am] §234 /h = §702 /d
Mischief 10, Programming 8
PTO: 0.33

Level 10: The Oracle You are an internet deity. With just a few lines of code, you can topple governments or crash markets. Decide if you wish to use this power for good or for evil.
M T – T – – S [12am-3am] §316 /h = §948 /d
PTO: 0.34


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