Personal Dressers Mod

Personal Dressers Mod
!Important! You must update Get Dressed Autonomy to V3
Once a dresser has been claimed, a sim will always go to their own dresser to autonomously change clothes rather than changing at a random dresser.
⦁ To claim a dresser simply select a sim, open the pie menu of the desired dresser, and click “Claim”.
⦁ To unclaim a dresser, you can either assign the sim to a different dresser, or sell the claimed dresser.
⦁ A dresser can only be assigned to a single sim. For example, partners or children sharing a bedroom will need to each have their own dresser.
⦁ There’s no “picker” style menu, simply a claim button on the pie menu.
⦁ Doesn’t affect anything unless used with Get Dressed Autonomy (dresser version)
⦁2022/3/24 – Changed package file names.
⦁ Tested with latest patch.
⦁ Overrides no base game resources and should be compatible with all other mods.
⦁ Simply injects a new super interaction (claim) onto dressers via Scumbumbo’s XML injector. The claim interaction is basically a clone of the interaction used for bed ownership.