Stop Whining! No Constant Complaining Mod

Stop Whining! No Constant Complaining Mod
You’ve doubtless noticed that Sims like to complain a lot. It is near-constant. The more expansion packs you have, the worse this problem gets. In fact, if you have Seasons, you have no doubt heard Sims complain about every single weather type unless you have given them a preference. Even then, that’s only one type that they don’t complain about. If you have University, they complain about their professor, their classes, and their textbook costs every chance they get. Realistic, sure, but annoying nonetheless as every one has the exact same animation and voice clips attached.
Stop Whining turns off autonomy for all of these interactions. Not every “complain” interaction is disabled, but most of them are. The options are still there in case you really want to complain, but Sims won’t pick them by themselves.
Here is a list of every resource I turned autonomy off for. It will conflict with any mod that edits these values:
I’ve marked several packs as necessary to err on the side of caution, but they might not be. I have edited resources from those packs, so while Sims 4 should function without one of them, it might throw LEs in your game. Should be all right, though.