Children can live alone after all elders died Mod

Children can live alone after all elders died Mod
Now, with this mod, the children can live alone by themselves, even live with the toddlers.
How to live:
For food: children can eat the free snacks, or choose “Hire Caterer” under the menu of the fridge’s option “Hire Staff”.
For broken objects: children can “Hire a repair” service under the menu of self option “Household”.
For money: Press Ctrl+Shift+C, and enter “rosebud” or “motherlode”.
Change logs:
1. Children can pay the bill with their phone now.
2. Children and Toddler can set the thermostat to high or low or off.
3. Added a cheat “be_younger” for change the age of current selected sim to be more younger. Usage: Control the sim you want to be more younger, then press Ctrl+Shift+C, then enter “be_younger”.
This mod requires Parenthood package.
For version, the toddlers walking and bathing are buggy. There’re game system bugs. Not the bug of this mod.
Interactions: (34)
Bathe {1.SimFirstName} (Debug)
Give Food To
Give Drink To
Give {1.SimFirstName} a Bath
Take Bath
Ask for Bath
Put {2.SimFirstName} Down Here
Put Down
Give Bath
Give Bubble Bath
Give {1.SimFirstName} a Bubble Bath
Give Bubble Bath
Clean Empty Plates
Ask for Bath
Change Diaper
Change Diaper
Ask for Bath
Give Bath
Ask for Bubble Bath
Pick Up
Pick Up
Ask for Food
Ask for Food
Ask for Food
Age Up
Hire Repair Service
Hire Repair Service
Pay Bills
Set Thermostat: Warmer
Set Thermostat: Off
Check Toddler
Check Toddler
Check Toddler