Decor with a Purpose: Functional Coat Racks Mod

Decor with a Purpose: Functional Coat Racks Mod
This is a bit simpler than the version Zer0 put out but since I had already started on it when he released his I figured I’d just finish it anyway.
These are overrides to the EA objects, giving them custom tuning. It shouldn’t conflict with anything unless you have something else that happens to modify these objects specifically, but please let me know if you have any problems with it.
Basegame Coat Rack
Basegame Wall Coat Rack
Laundry Day Coat Shelf
Seasons Coat Shelf
Snowy Escape Wall Coat Rack
It’s worth noting that the new strings are in English only at the moment. I don’t speak any other languages nearly well enough to translate them so I welcome any translations that anyone can offer and will credit all translators.
Known issues
Not exactly an issue since it’s probably better from a time management perspective, but I can’t get it to work with sims walking up to the objects. They’ll change clothes wherever they currently are.
Future Plans
If you know of an item I missed let me know
If you’re an object creator and want to use my tuning you totally can. Just link people to my stuff to download it and send me a link to your work if you want me to share it.