Force Invite Sims Mod

Force Invite Sims Mod
This mod allows you to force a sim to visit at any time!
Ever want a sim to visit you in the middle of the night, during work hours, or during an otherwise inconvenient time? Know a sim you’d like to create drama with but they refuse to come by for a good old fight? Know a sim’s name, but do not know the sim themselves so cannot invite them? Found out the name of a sim’s spouse and want to quickly invite that sim over, too? Well, now you can force any sim to visit any current lot using their first and last name!
Mod features:
You may invite any regular sim whether your sim knows them or not
Sims can be invited to any current lot (e.g., gym, another sim’s residence)
Invited sims can be completely ignored and will still go indoors (unlike the Summon Sim mod, though they may knock on a residential door first to be polite)
Invited sims will leave your lot as any other invited sim would (unlike the Summon Sim mod, and barring any odd circumstances)
I created this script because summoning and spawning mods either did not work well (sims would appear and disappear quickly if you did not greet them) or required searching through all sims just to invite one sim! I wanted a way to force an invite quickly.
To force invite a sim, enter the debug console (Ctrl-Shift-C) and type:
force_invite_sim FirstName LastName
If the sim exists, you will see output in the debug console. If the sim does not exist, the command is ignored.
Most sims can be invited with just their first and last names as you might expect, for example:
force_invite_sim Keith Atkinson
If you want to invite a sim with spaces in their last name, try using quotes, for example:
force_invite_sim Keith “Atkinson III”
If you want to invite a sim without a first or last name, try using empty quotes, for example:
force_invite_sim Keith “”
force_invite_sim “” Atkinson