Functional Fruit Bowls Mod

Functional Fruit Bowls Mod
!Only download the versions compatible with the game packs you have purchased!
What this mod does:
Adds six fruit bowls (Maxis Meshes) that allow you to buy and store fruit.
Included bowls (and corresponding game pack):
Bowl of Fruit (Base game)
Fine Bowl of Fruit (Base game)
Golden Bowl of Fruit (City Living)
Tropical Fruit Bowl (Island Living)
Bountiful Platter (Parenthood)
Taste of Tart (Backyard)
Purchasable Fruits:
Anything Maxis classifies as a fruit (apples, grapes, bell peppers, plasma fruit, etc.), as well as any custom content the creators tagged as fruit, such as Icemunmun’s custom harvestables.
Where to find them:
These are not default replacements so the new bowls can be found in build mode under miscellaneous storage, titled as “Functional [Insert original name of bowl here]”.
How to download:
1.) You MUST download the MAINFlowerBunnyFunctionalFruitBowls file, this is what makes the mod function
2.) If you have Jungle Adventure, Download the JUNGLEADVENTUREFlowerBunnyFruitBowlDebug file, this file hides the Jungle Adventure debug fruits from the buy menu (Not required but makes the buy menu look cleaner)
3.) Download the fruit bowls you’d like added to your game (Note that you can only download the files for the game packs you have purchased)
4.) If you have City Living, Island Living, Parenthood, and Backyard purchased, you can download the ALLBOWLSFlowerBunnyFunctionalFruitBowls file instead of downloading them individually (Note that you will still have to download the MAIN and JUNGLEADVENTURE files separately)
Any other mod that changes the “objects.components.inventory_type_tuning” tuning file has the possibility of conflicting
Note: This mod also slightly changes the way storage chests function. Storage chests will no longer share inventories between each other; this is so that the fruit bowl won’t share an inventory with anything in your storage chest(s).