Interactive Teen Hobbies 1.2 Mod

Interactive Teen Hobbies 1.2 Mod
[03/06/2021] Added russian translation by Origamika.
[15/05/2021] Added french translation by Kimikosoma.
Fix issue with a Manga interaction that doesn’t unlock.
Article about the mod in French by Kimikosoma.
Please, before you download anything, READ THE FULL DESCRIPTION!
When you enter the game, on your teenage sim’s phone under the category travel, you will see an option “Sign For New Activity” (sometimes it shows Sign For New Hobby, I don’t know why). This option is available ONLY for teenage sims.
When you press on the choice, first you will see an option to pick a sim, bear in mind you can send just one! So, if you have another teen on the lot and you chose the other sim’s photo, the other sim will go instead of the one who opened the app.
Then you will be able to choose between 6 hobbies. Each hobby class costs $100, when your sim chooses a hobby, they will be gone (in a rabbit hole), for a while (taking a class). When they are back you will receive a notification with further information. After your sim returns, they will be able to use certain interactions on the computer connected to their hobby. Every single interaction helps with life skills, as well as developing practical skills. Keep in mind that these hobbies just touch up these subjects, since there are already aspirations and careers in the same fields. The hobby can last until the rest of their life, therefore if they age up with the hobby (you have the option to remove it if you want), they will be able to keep using it.
Language Hobby
Sims who practice the language hobby gain faster the logic skill. On the computer, they will have a new pie menu called “Languages” where they can practice their hobby. As you can see in the photo below, the logic skill is also required to unlock certain interactions connected to this hobby. The interaction “Offer Online Language Classes” is paid, so your Teen will have the opportunity to earn some cash from their hobby. When your sim search for interesting language facts they will receive a notification with a new fact, based on real-life statistics (so, maybe even you might learn something interesting you didn’t know.) When your sim participates in a contest there are three outcomes possible, including winning a money prize.
Blogging Hobby
The blogging hobby helps your sims gain comedy and writing skills faster. On the computer, they will have a pie menu called “Blogger”, where they can practice their hobby and level up their skills. Bloggers also have interactions that can give them money, also the different interactions help your teen gain emotional control, manners, empathy, and responsibility.
SimTuber Hobby
The simtuber hobby helps your teen gain faster Charisma Skill. They can do so by practicing their hobby, also the interactions help with the life skills – gain emotional control, empathy, and responsibility. The “promote a product” interaction gives your sim money reward, but also responsibility and empathy loss.
Modding Hobby
Sims who practice the modding hobby gain Video Game and Programming Skills faster. They tend to play more video games and research game strategies. To practice their hobby, sims can find on the computer under a pie menu called “Modding” all the interactions connected to it.
Martial Arts Hobby
This hobby is a little different, first, sims who practice it, gain Fitness Skills faster and most of the interactions are on the sim. You can still find a “Martial Arts” pie menu on the computer, but it will have just two options. Most of the interactions connected to this hobby can be found, when you click on your sim, there you will see a pie menu with the same name as on the computer. This hobby helps with emotional control and responsibility.
Manga Hobby
Last, but not least, the manga hobby helps your sim develop painting and writing skills faster. All the interactions connected to the hobby can be found under the pie menu “Manga” on the computer. The three locked interactions you see in the picture below can gain your sim a little money as well. Practicing the manga hobby also helps your sim to gain responsibility.
Social Interactions
All social interactions for all hobbies can be found under the “Friendly” category. Some interactions give you responses, some moodlets, and some help your target sim in gaining a certain skill.
Can I have more than one hobby?
Yes, you can. You can have as many as you wish. In fact, if you have more than one hobby, when you press on the computer your hobbies pie menus will be put in one major pie menu called “Hobbies”.
I don’t want the hobby anymore, what should I do?
If you decide you don’t want your sim to have a hobby anymore, you can get rid of it very easily. Just press on your sim, go to the Actions menu, and there you will find an option “Give Up On Hobby”. This will remove all hobbies from your sim.
What else you need to know?
This mod is more technical than flashy. What I mean? There are not too many moodlets. I focused more on the practical advantages of the interactions, with that being said, every single interaction gives something (even if you don’t see it). Whether is a small life skill gain, practical skill gain, or helping the TargetSim.
COMPATABILITY CONCERNS: This mod does NOT conflict with any other mod to my knowledge.