No Holidays Failure Drama [Seasons] Mod

No Holidays Failure Drama [Seasons] Mod
Here’s a little mod that ends the bad holiday drama and adds a bit of personality to the Sims. I’m tired of the whole household crying all day after a holiday that I canceled. So I adjusted it so that only Sims with the Gloomy trait are depressed for a long time. The happy Sims with the Cheerful trait receive now a fine buff. The rest of the Sims randomly receive either bored buffs of different duration or a fine buff or a sad Buff, but with less intensity.
The mod does not need a translation as it does not have any new strings, just uses the strings from the game, it is allowed in any language. The mod cannot cause compatibility problems with any other mods.
This is my first mod that I publish. I hope you like it. If you wish, I can include more traits so that the reactions to a bad holiday have even more individuality.