Skeleton Bloodlines Mod

Skeleton Bloodlines Mod
Anyway, this one was actually quite the fun challenge to make, and I’m still surprised I managed to come up with perks to give them, given how little I’ve interacted with the skeleton life state in the first place. I don’t know, but I tested and they work! So long as one of the parents a Skeleton, their baby will inherit a bloodline! (for anyone cheating those skeletons into their game in the first place, the targeted trait is trait_Hidden_Skeleton, and you’ll likely need to cheat considering how Skeletons aren’t permanently playable normally)
You know, I normally put the Q&A at the end, but I’m guessing the question this time is going to be Why?, and the answer is Who wouldn’t want Skeleton Bloodlines? I have no idea why or how you’re ever going to use these, but hey, you can use them. I tested them, and they work. I promised to do this if I couldn’t get my elves working the other day, and that day has passed, so you get skeleton bloodlines!
This mod requires MAL22’s Trait Tracker Injector, and will not work without it.
If MAL22’s Trait Tracker Injector isn’t working for you, here’s the list of cheats to add the traits manually until the trait tracker works for you properly. It’s working perfectly fine for me, but I don’t like people encountering issues that keep them from enjoying the bloodlines so here they are.
traits.equip_trait baniduhaine_WeakSkeletonBloodline
traits.equip_trait baniduhaine_StrongSkeletonBloodline
traits.equip_trait baniduhaine_AncientSkeletonBloodline
Weak Skeleton Bloodline:
Bladder need decays 10% slower
Hygiene need decays 10% slower
Energized buffs decay 10% slower
Playful buffs decay 10% faster
Strong Skeleton Bloodline:
Bladder need decays 20% slower
Hygiene need decays 20% slower
Energized buffs decay 20% slower
Playful buffs decay 20% faster
Ancient Skeleton Bloodline:
Bladder need decays 30% slower
Hygiene need decays 30% slower
Energized buffs decay 30% slower
Playful buffs decay 50% faster
Actual Q&A:
Future plans?
Yeah, I might as well make Servo bloodlines while I’m at it lol. Then back to my fantasy races mod I go… I think I’ve thought up how to do it without crashing the entire mod constructor, probably. PROBABLY.