Skilled PC Mod (TS4) – all packs and bgc Mod

Skilled PC Mod (TS4) – all packs and bgc Mod
Note: The XML Injector v4 is required for this to work!
I was so tired of using books to skill my sims up, and they can only gain skills from doing homework with my mod so many times, so I decided to add skills to learn on the computer. Since 90% of my households have computers pretty early on in the game, I figured that would be the best bet.
So sims will sit and study on the computer longer then when they read books. Also, there are a variety of skills to choose from! And all of this does not cost anything, it is free to study these skills!
More skills will be added as more become available with packs. If you have any skill requests that I did not add, let me know and I will add them! I left out a few minor ones I will never use, but that does not mean someone else won’t want it!
They will use to learn any skill you want! See pictures for examples! This works for both children and teens, adults, and elders!
This includes all skills from all eps, sps, gps, and basegame! Should still work if you are missing any.
Study Creative Skill
Study Mental Skill
Study Acting
Study Archaeology
Study Motor Skill
Study Social Skill
Study Baking
Study Bartending
Study Bowling
Study Charisma
Study Comedy
Study Dancing
Study DJ Mixing
Study Fabrication
Study Fishing
Study Fitness
Study Flower Arranging
Study Gardening
Study Gourmet Cooking
Study Guitar
Study Handiness
Study Herbalism
Study Vampire Lore
Study Homestyle Cooking
Study Knitting
Study Local Culture
Study Logic
Study Media Production
Study Medium
Study Mischief
Study Painting
Study Parenting
Study Photography
Study Piano
Study Pipe Organ
Study Programming
Study Research & Debate
Study Robotics
Study Rock Climbing
Study Rocket Science
Study Singing
Study Skiing
Study Snowboarding
Study Video Gaming
Study Violin
Study Wellness
Study Writing