Stand Still in CAS (Shimrod101 & Shooksims) Mod

Stand Still in CAS (Shimrod101 & Shooksims) Mod
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2020 July 26th – Compatible with July 23rd Patch
2020 June 14th – Those darn vampires always slipping through somehow even though I tested! Shimrod All-in-One and Occults Only updated again to fix female child vampires hissing.
2020 June 5th – Shimrod All-in-One and Occults Only updated for Eco Lifestyle patch, please make sure to re-download. Shooksims does not need an update.
Shimrod Version
This is an override mod that stops your sims from playing the idle animations while you create or edit them in CAS. No more looking side to side, heel rolls, weight shifts, etc. for all genders, ages, and occults! The mod also stops the reactions when you change into a Styled Look, or make the sim Fit or Fat. An alternative version, the Occults Only Version, stops only the occult animations from playing (vampires growling, mermaids giggling, spellcasters casting), so sims will move and react normally still.
Your sims will still animate when randomizing, choosing walk styles, choosing Traits & Aspirations, switching ages, and when adjusting the voice slider. The voice slider and randomizer use the same settings, so if you want the sim to move with the voice slider it has to stay this way. The eyes will also shift around and blink, just like in Edit Detail Mode since that animation is being used as the default for all other animations now (except mermaids who use their own animation). Two things to keep in mind that I can’t fix (yet) are that the sims lean back a little due to the way the new animation clip works, and that male elders shift their feet when switching styled looks. The latter seems to be due to the way elders normally stand in CAS, but I’m not 100% sure. A future update I am thinking of doing is going for a more natural default animation, but I’ll have to look into it at a later date, along with pets. Both versions are compatible with any combination of packs.
Shooksims Version
Someone requested this version from Shooksims be updated, so here it is! This stops all idle animations for all groups just like Shimrod’s version, but uses a custom pose and allows sims to react when choosing Styled Looks and adjusting to Fit or Fat. Your sims will not blink like Shimrod’s either, but they do still animate when randomizing, choosing walk styles, choosing Traits & Aspirations, switching ages, and when adjusting the voice slider. I may add blocks to the Styled Looks and Fit/Fat animations later if there is enough interest in it. It is compatible with any combination of packs.
To install, unzip the file and place the .package file into your mods folder. Remember to always clear your localthumbcache when adding new mods or CC to ensure the mods/CC work properly.
Shimrod’s Version overrides the JAZZ file called “CAS”. It will conflict with any other mod that overrides/alters the same JAZZ file. Shooksims Version is just animation overrides. All versions will conflict with the NoMoreVampireGrowling_CAS Only add-on from the mod No More Vampire Growling by RedRidingCat/Xhallie and any other Stand Still mod.
Created with patch 1.52.100 (June 18th, 2019). The Sims in the pictures are randomized.
Only choose 1 file to download.