Stealthic – Genesis Mod

Stealthic – Genesis Mod
Make sure you aren’t in laptop mode otherwise you will have blonde streaks in your hair and make sure your graphics are at a high setting.
Also make sure you are updated to the latest sims version, (which can’t be done with pirated games), or it won’t show in game.
Hair can be found near the top, where all my updos are.
Please don’t retexture my hair with the mesh included.
Outfit and necklace by Toksik.
Recolor or New: New Item
Recoloring Allowed: Yes – Do not include mesh
Polycount Very High LOD: 16k
Polycount High LOD: 8k
Polycount Medium LOD: 4k
Polycount Low LOD: 1k
Creating Tool used: Sims4Studio