Tortured Artist Trait Mod

Tortured Artist Trait Mod
Tortured Artist Trait: Tortured artists are plagued by intense emotions and a drive to fulfill a creative genius that they can never quite satisfy. These sims are at the mercy of their strong emotions, and channel that passion into their art. This trait is located in the Emotions Category.
Compatibility and Testing:
This trait incorporates the pipe organ skill from Vampires, but should not need that pack to work and should be completely functional with only the Base Game installed. That said, I do have all of the expansions and stuff packs in my game, so when I tested this trait it was with all of the packs included. If you run into any problems please let me know, as it is entirely possible that I missed something!
6/18/2020: this mod was tested and is working with Patch 1.63.
What does it do?
This trait uses the erratic autonomous actions and combines that with random powerful emotional buffs and additional buffs depending on proximity, actions, and location.
Tortured artist sims will build fun from creative activities, and will see increased skill gain (x2) for guitar, violin, piano, pipe organ, writing, photography, painting and creativity for child sims. However, they will have slower career performance gain in all careers and in school, with .6x career gain in most careers and .8x career gain in more artistic careers (painter, entertainer, writer, style influencer, social media, critic, and activist).
The trait will generate whims to paint, play instruments, and write.
This trait is available for children through elders.
1. Illuminating Inspiration: {0.SimFirstName} feels connected with their art. The colors, the sounds, the words are all aligning to create a masterpiece of art and beauty. Sims will receiving this +5 inspired buff when painting, playing instruments, taking pictures, or writing.
2. It’s Garbage!: Talent? What talent?! {0.SimFirstName} can’t believe they created something so uninspired and vapid. This piece isn’t even worthy of seeing daylight! Sims will have a chance of receiving this +4 tense buff after finishing painting, playing instruments, taking pictures, or writing.
3. Stifled: {0.SimFirstName} is desperate to express themselves. An easle, an instrument, scraps of paper, it doesn’t matter! They just have to bring their ideas to life! Sims gain this +4 sad buff if they go too long without doing something creative, and will lose it upon doing something creative.
4. Sell Out: {0.SimFirstName} can’t stand the monotony of being at work. All these sims trapped like mice on a wheel. No creativity, no originality! Just the wasted potential of a bunch of sell-outs waiting for the moment they can clock out. Sims gain this +3 tense buff when at work or school, and will have slower career performance gain (see the “What does it do?” section above for details).
5. They Get It: These people get it! They understand the importance of art and the need to express oneself through a chosen media. {0.SimFirstName} is so glad to be able to talk with people who understand their artistic drive. Sims get this +3 happy buff when around sims that share similar creative traits, and will gain slightly faster friendship with them.
6. Emotional Influences: Tortured artist sims will randomly get powerful emotional buffs that can be either positive or negative. See the pictures below for the various buffs included. These buffs are set to last for 6 in-game hours.
– Euphoric Hysteria: +4 playful buff
– Passionate Artiste: +4 flirty buff
– Dazed and Confused: +4 dazed buff
– Eyes on the Prize: +4 focused buff
– This is Maddening: +4 angry buff
– What’s the Point?: +5 sad buff
– I’m a Failure: +4 embarrassed buff
– I Need to Create: +2 inspired buff with a +2 skill modifier on the painting, guitar, violin, piano, pipe organ, photography, writing, and creativity skills
– Cool Creator: +4 confident buff
– Frenzied Energy: +4 energized buff
– I Can’t Take this Anymore!: +4 tense buff