Ultimate Fashionista Career **UPDATED – ADDED MODELING TRACK!** Mod

Ultimate Fashionista Career **UPDATED – ADDED MODELING TRACK!** Mod
*** Tested with Get Famous (not required) and Game Version – December 20, 2018 Update (definitely required) ***
PLEASE NOTE: You WILL need the newest Neia Career Commons file (included in download) also!
Also just as an FYI (because I thought it was a bug and was about to completely embarrass myself on Neia’s forum)
as of the last patch, EA removed the “ideal mood” for rabbit hole careers.
Oh… You knew that already… Soooo… It was just me? Okay then…. Carry on.
Do you love fashion. I mean LIVE for fashion? This career was created with you in mind. There are several layers to explore with a fashion career. It’s a lot more than just having good style, and it poses several opportunities as a career. I mean EVERYONE talks about designers and stylists, but the fashion machine needs a lot of different parts to run. I wanted to explore just a few of the viable careers in the fashion industry and I’m sure your Sim Fashionista would like to as well.
Pay levels are based on EA. As I researched, actual pay for most fashion careers really isn’t all that amazing and a Sims gotta eat, right? FYI, the start of the career is lightly based on the Devil Wears Parada which is basically one of my favorite movies of all time. Oh! Lastly, I shared this with a friend and he wanted to know if I was going to make a “fashionisto” (or some such) version for the guys. Nope!
Turns out Fashionista is a gender neutral word. Who knew? I didn’t, but it sure is convenient… for me I mean. Google it. The origin of the word is pretty interesting. LOL
So… with that out of the way, presenting…
The Ultimate Fashionista Career
So, you’re thinking about a career in fashion? It’s not all beautiful clothes and glamorous parties. If you want it, you better be prepared to work hard, be smart and adaptable. You’ll need to keep up with rapidly changing trends and a demanding audience that is spoiled for choice. But, there is no chance of getting bored in the world of style. If you’ve always been passionate about design, find textiles tempting or love experimented with bold trends, you’re likely cut out for a fashion career!
Career Details:
Fashion Major
Studying fashion is a commitment to slave over a sewing machine and create the designs of your fantasy. It’s frustrating, it’s not always pretty. You’ll have to learn your fashion history and know fashion trends. You’ll study textiles, use advanced design programs and make patterns, muslins and sketches. What you probably won’t do much is sleep. But it’s worth it. You’re on your way to a career in FASHION and who knows where that career will lead!
Mood: Inspired
Hourly Wage: 12
Daily Wage: 84
Schedule: M T W T F – –
Objectives: Logic 1, Handiness 2, Painting 1, Photography 1
Fashion Magazine Intern
What little fashion major was lucky enough to earn a coveted internship at IN, only the hottest fashion magazine on the planet? Well, you were! You really haven’t settled on a path in the industry, but being so close to some of the most influential fashion writers, stylists, photographers and even designers in the world? It’s like a dream come true. Trends are being made all around you. YOU mostly make coffee and try to stay out of the way.
Mood: Energized
Hourly Wage: 15
Daily Wage: 135
Schedule: M T W T F – –
Objectives: Charisma 1, Logic 2
Junior Assistant
That must be some amazing coffee. And no one runs an accessory delivery faster than you! You got called up from the pool of interns for a real job. Congrats! You’re now the Assistant to the Assistant…. to the Assistant of the Creative Director of IN Magazine! It’s a bit of a revolving door. Hannah Winters is notoriously demanding, so you better not miss a step. But, if you can make it at IN Magazine, you can write your own ticket in the fashion industry!
Mood: Energized
Hourly Wage: 17
Daily Wage: 153
Schedule: M T W T F – –
Objectives: Charisma 2, Logic 3
If you can make it at IN, you can write your own ticket in the fashion industry. Everyone says so… endlessly. You’re making it though. As Assistant once removed, you get to cover Hannah’s phone… when the Senior Assistant goes to lunch. Hold the Senior Assistants tablet during meetings. And… very occasionally… get yelled at by Hannah herself! One day she may even get your name right!
Mood: Energized
Hourly Wage: 22
Daily Wage: 198
Schedule: M T W T F – –
Objectives: Charisma 3, Logic 4
Senior Assistant
Sadly, the Senior Assistant had the utter nerve to catch the flu right before Paris Fashion Week! She’s out. Hannah called on YOU… and by your actual name! Now, you stand by her side (well, a few tasteful steps behind her) and soak in the knowledge as she plans and executes the most influential fashion magazine in the world! You’ve been quietly networking and honing your skills in the background. Maybe it’s time to step into the spotlight in your own right… but what spotlight will you choose?
Mood: Energized
Hourly Wage: 26
Daily Wage: 234
Schedule: M T W T F – –
Objectives: Charisma 4, Logic 5
Track 1: Fashion Design
One of the highest profile roles in the industry, designers are the creative genius’ who work on the design of clothing and fashion ranges. Ever wonder what Giorgio Armani, Betsey Johnson, Donna Karan, and Ralph Lauren do all the time? They work! But seeing your final product on people and in editorial spreads is an unbelievable feeling. Are you an original with an instinct for trends and innovation? Can you execute your vision and bring it from an idea into something you can hold in your hand or see walk past you on the street? Fashion design may be your calling!
Mood: Inspired
Hourly Wage: 28
Daily Wage: 252
Schedule: M T W T F – –
Objectives: Painting 3 Charisma 5, Handiness 3
Assistant Designer
Assistant fashion designers are responsible for all aspects of the design and creation of new fashion products. Well, kind of responsible. You work under the supervision of a fashion designer. The design team works together to come up with fashion concepts. You’re often given concepts that need to be developed and as you get more experience, even coming up with fresh concepts! At no time, however, does anyone ask you to get coffee.
Mood: Inspired
Hourly Wage: 34
Daily Wage: 272
Schedule: M T W T F – –
Objectives: Painting 5 Charisma 6, Handiness 5
Associate Designer
It all starts in-house with talented designers. You assist in all areas of design, including sketching and mock ups. You also research trends and suggest designs in line with trends and the fashion house brand and contribute to creating multiple seasonal lines at the same time. If that doesn’t keep you busy enough, you keep product development on track and in line with development schedule.
Mood: Inspired
Hourly Wage: 35
Daily Wage: 272
Schedule: M T W T F – –
Objectives: Painting 5 Charisma 6, Handiness 5
A last! As designer, YOU create the designs. You start with a sketch of the clothing. Usually, this clothing concept will then be presented to management, who will approve the creation of a prototype. As Designer, you’re expected to have sewing skills, to create the first clothing example. When the design is handed over to a factory or other clothing producer, you must oversee the process to make sure that the clothing meets quality standards of the company. This is your dream and you’re living it one stich at a time!
Mood: Inspired
Hourly Wage: 51
Daily Wage: 408
Schedule: M T W T F – –
Objectives: Painting 8 Charisma 7, Handiness 7
Senior Designer
As Senior Designer, your responsibility expands to an entire line. You work in a fast-paced and ever-changing environment in which you must be aware of emerging trends. As a senior designer, you also must communicate observations on trends to the fashion designers working beneath you. That’s right, you lead the team. Ultimately, you ensure that design team promotes the fashion brand by delivering high quality pieces on tight deadlines.
Mood: Inspired
Hourly Wage: 73
Daily Wage: 584
Schedule: M T W T F – –
Objectives: Painting 9 Charisma 9, Handiness 8, Logic 8
VP of Design
As VP of Design, you do more than design product (although you still do that too). Your job is the overall brand vision that considers strategy, retail environments, catwalk presentations and the lifestyle your label is selling. You usually work two seasons ahead, liaising with buyers and forecasters to predict the coming fashions. You keep your finger on the pulse of style, at least in terms of what consumers are buying, and this is the most important thing in the fashion business at the end of the day.
Mood: Inspired
Hourly Wage: 143
Daily Wage: 1144
Schedule: M T W T – – –
Objectives: Painting 10 Charisma 10, Logic 10
Track 2: Fashion Photography
Fashion photographers work primarily to shoot clothing on fashion models. Well… duh! Besides having top-notch photography skills, the aspiring fashion photographer must be organized and deeply creative. You’ll have to be fashion-savvy and able to think on your feet. It is your job to set the tone, create the best lighting and texture that will breathe life to the fashion on a shoot. Not to mention be charismatic enough to get the best performance from your model. How hard can it be? Models are known to be amenable right? Right?
Your epic exit from IN Magazine is the stuff of legend. Hmmm…. let’s give that legend some time to die down, shall we? Lately, you’re obsessed with style, cataloguing the style of real people and posting online. No one is more surprised than you when your little blog catches on. At least you’re fit from walking all voer the city, since logging doesn’t exactly pay the bills, but it’s catching some important attention. Maybe it’s time you take your new killer portfolio and see where that attention leads?
Mood: Inspired
Hourly Wage: 27
Daily Wage: 243
Schedule: – T W T F S –
Objectives: Photography 2, Fitness 2, Logic 6
Photographer’s Assistant
Um… Well… It’s a start. As assistant you do whatever is necessary to ensure that a shoot runs smoothly. Usually, this involves preparing sets, checking that all equipment is functioning properly, setting up lighting and accessories, taking meter readings, uploading files and transporting film or prints to and from laboratories. You burn to get behind the camera yourself, but with a major magazine like SimStyle, you’ve got to pay those dues first!
Mood: Energized
Hourly Wage: 36
Daily Wage: 324
Schedule: M T W T F – –
Objectives: Fitness 2, Handiness 3, Photography 3
Staff Photographer
You made the cut! Somehow you thought the job would be more prestigious though. But the reality is, staff photographers really don’t make all that much and they don’t often get the cover or get the big editorials either… that’s for the famous contract photographers. Cheer-up little shutterbug. You’re making a name for yourself. And with the resources of a fashion titan like IN, you’re getting to know all the major players and your work keeps getting better and better.
Mood: Inspired
Hourly Wage: 42
Daily Wage: 336
Schedule: M T W T F – –
Objectives: Photography 4, Handiness 5, Charisma 7
Contract Photographer
Isn’t it ironic that to make the big bucks you basically had to quit your job? As a famous fashion photographer your schedule is full though with contracts for major editorials and those contracts are lucrative indeed. Now you attract great clothing stylists who can get amazing clothes from big name designers. People love your work and you’re finally getting the recognition you deserve!
Mood: Inspired
Hourly Wage: 90
Daily Wage: 720
Schedule: – T – T F – –
Objectives: Photography 5, Handiness 5, Charisma 9
Director of Photography
A common misconception about photography directors is that they act as photographers. These days you very rarely take pictures these days. Instead, you conceive of the visuals. You work hand in hand with the creative Director, the eternal Hannah Winters herself about what photos will bring her vision to life, how they’ll be used and how they will complement the text they’ll accompany (turns out she actually respected you. Go figure!). The job of a Photography Director also includes allocating and coordinating assignments and approving images. Did we mention your name is on the masthead of one of the top fashion magazines in the world?
Hourly Wage: 120
Daily Wage: 960
Schedule: M T W T – – –
Objectives: Charisma 10, Logic 8
Track 3: Fashion Merchandising
Fashion merchandisers work in marketing aspects of the fashion industry, as opposed to areas of creation and design. While they are sometimes involved in selecting merchandise, the primary focus is on how to set up those items within the store. The way the store is set up affects the flow of customers through the space as well as which pieces are highlighted through prominent display. Do you have an analytical mind and strong organizational and leadership skills? Merchandizing may be the path for you!
Visual Merchandiser
FREEDOM! Good bye Hannah. Good buy IN. Hello retail! A visual merchandiser designs, develops, and implements the visual look of a retail store and the merchandise being sold. Which is a fancy way of saying you style mannequins and displays rather than people. BUT, this isn’t just any rag shack. THIS is JF&S Clothiers, an internationally renowned retail brand. You have a direct impact on customer buying decisions and the hours are great, even if the pay kind of… isn’t.
Mood: Inspired
Hourly Wage: 27
Daily Wage: 108
Schedule: M T W T F – –
Objectives: Handiness 4
Associate Merchandiser
Well this is a bit more like it. Your eye for style has been noticed and the way you organized those displayed has increased the profitability of the Magnolia Promenade location by a noticeable margin. Now you oversee delivery of merchandise to the store and check that it matches the order. Building relationships with vendors, negotiating contracts, ordering products, and resolving problems are also part of the job. Keep things running smoothly and maybe you’ll be promoted to overseeing the region!
Mood: Inspired
Hourly Wage: 32
Daily Wage: 256
Schedule: M T W T F – –
Objectives: Logic 6, Charisma 6
Retail merchandisers are responsible for the coordination of merchandise activity among store locations. You’re now the primary contact between store general managers and their retail chain. As Merchandiser, you control inventory by monitoring current holdings, sales reports, and inventory reports to ensure stores are neither over- nor understocking items. You also adjust this balance as purchasing trends shift in their region. It’s a big job, but you’ve got your eye on bigger!
Mood: Focused
Hourly Wage: 45
Daily Wage: 360
Schedule: M T W T F – –
Objectives: Logic 7, Charisma 7
Merchandise Manager
Merchandise managers may have additional duties relating to training, coaching, and motivating employees. You have a payroll budget now, and you must make sure that enough employees are available and that they’re working effectively (and not all standing around gabbing by the exotic fish tank). There are sales goals to be met or surpassed, and bonuses to earn, inventory to track and losses to minimize. Thank goodness you’re left-brained too or all this responsibility would be stressful!
Mood: Focused
Hourly Wage: 58
Daily Wage: 464
Schedule: M T W T F – –
Objectives: Logic 9, Charisma 9
Merchandising Director
Congratulations! As Merchandizing Director of JF&S Clothiers, when it comes to the sourcing, purchasing and delivery of products around the world, the buck stops with you! Working with your team of Purchasing Agents you oversee the marketing, branding, and publicity of the chain’s products. You’re responsible for promoting products at various events and activities, such as concerts, exhibits, sports events, parks, retail outlets, and recreational events… and fancy glamourous parties too. So yeah, there’s some glamour too.
Mood: Focused
Hourly Wage: 95
Daily Wage: 760
Schedule: M T W T F – –
Objectives: Logic 10, Charisma 10
Track 4: Fashion Journalism
Fashion writers often work alongside Fashion PRs and produce editorial copy for the extensive fashion media industry. Sometimes they work for newspapers, magazines, fashion websites or blogs, and television. And the rare few can stand alone and make a name for themselves as a fashion analyst and reporter supreme. Love to write? Love to make your opinions known and influence trends and tastes? Then maybe you’re a Fashion Journalist in the making!
What’s that? It’s the smell of freedom! Sure, IN is an industry titan and you and Hannah didn’t exactly part on good terms, but that doesn’t mean your fashion journalism career is over. With a constant demand for online content, editors are more than eager to have a helping hand on deck. Right now it’s mostly GIF captions, polls and parroting stories that appear on dozens of other sites around the web, but you have a unique voice and your fashion education sets you apart. Keep grinding out those listicles! The right people are starting to take notice.
Mood: Inspired
Hourly Wage: 29
Daily Wage: 145
Schedule: M T W – F – –
Objectives: Writing 2, Logic 6
Staff Writer
In the fashion world, there’s IN Magazine and then there’s everyone else. You managed to land a role on one of those… other fashion magazines. As staff writer, you have access to lots of great concerts, fashion shows and some parties, but you’re there to work. Publications are getting leaner, and fashion journalists are expected to do more with a lot less. You’re not just a writer; you source images, produce them in the CMS, you fact-check everything YOURSELF. But you’re learning a lot and making amazing contacts. Keep telling yourself that while you eat those glamorous Ramen noodles.
Mood: Inspired
Hourly Wage: 38
Daily Wage: 342
Schedule: M T W T F – –
Objectives: Writing 4, Logic 7
Junior Editor
The job has gotten hard and keeping the job has become even harder. As Junior Editor, you’re employed under a zero-hour contract. The magazine is not obliged to guarantee a minimum number of working hours and can utilize “on-call” scheduling. But in some ways, a smaller team offers more opportunities. Now, it’s just you and the style editor. Take this opportunity to hone your craft and learn as much about publishing as you can. A Senior editor role (and the paycheck that comes with it) could be right around the corner.
Mood: Inspired
Hourly Wage: 48
Daily Wage: 432
Schedule: M – W T F – –
Objectives: Writing 6, Logic 8
Senior Editor
Senior editors oversee the content creation process and manage junior editors. You and your editorial team produce and proofread copy. Maintaining consistency, readability and accuracy is your job and it’s one you take very seriously. Keep working on your people skills, you’ll need to maintain productive working relationships with writers, designers and other editors. More importantly your words and the tam you manage set the tone for the SimStyle. And it’s starting to be a very high-profile magazine thanks to you!
Mood: Inspired
Hourly Wage: 73
Daily Wage: 657
Schedule: M T W T F – –
Objectives: Writing 8, Logic 9
As Editor-n-Chief of SImsStyle, you’ve guided the magazine to become an incredibly powerful brand. Under your direction it’s a dominant force in the fashion business. SimStyle used to be cashmere and Malibu, but now ‘celebrity’ is also Instagram models, designers, artists, politicians. SimStyle features the big names and shapes trends and opinions in the fashion world. There’s even been a whisper of you as a replacement for the eternal Hannah Winters when she finally steps down as the head of IN (keep dreaming kiddo, that woman’s practically a vampire)!
Mood: Inspired
Hourly Wage: 115
Daily Wage: 920
Schedule: – T W T F – –
Objectives: Writing 10, Logic 10, Charisma 6
Track 5: Fashion Styling
Fashion stylists take a client, a photographer or art director’s vision for a look, a photo shoot or film and bring it to life. You’ll work with many media organizations and even with celebrities as personal style consultants. The most successful stylists have extensive networks of contacts within the fashion industry to get the job done quickly and on budget. At the top of the chain, stylists have limitless earning potential and often become trend makers. Love to dress your friends? Always getting compliments on your personal style? Fashion styling may be the career for you!
Assistant Fashion Stylist
As a stylist assistant in the fashion industry, your responsibilities can vary from job to job. Primarily, your duties are to make sure the fashion stylist has all of the appropriate clothes and accessories on hand, as well as assisting in the makeup and dressing of models. Yeah, you’re basically a minion, but play your cards right and you could become a stylist. Stay organized to keep up with your stylists demands and work on those contacts for when you’re the boss!
Mood: Energized
Hourly Wage: 32
Daily Wage: 288
Schedule: M T W T F – –
Objectives: Fitness 2, Logic 6
Fashion Stylist
Fashion stylists work for individuals, fashion houses and clothing brands. Their main responsibilities include providing fashion advice; choosing and coordinating outfits for models in photo shoots or actors in television and film; and choosing props and accessories and preparing them for shoots. As lead stylist, you make the calls and choose the looks. Well, you don’t make actual calls. You have a new team of minions for that. Keep those creative juices flowing and keep networking. It’s one thing to work for a company, but when you step out on your own you’re going to need every bit of charisma and creativity you can get.
Mood: Inspired
Hourly Wage: 56
Daily Wage: 448
Schedule: M T W T F – –
Objectives: Charisma 7, Logic 6
Freelance Personal Stylist
A personal stylist is a person who typically advises individuals on, for example, new fashion trends, clothing styles, colors and make-up. A personal stylist is a recognized profession not to be confused with a ‘stylist’ whose job it is predominantly to manage fashion photoshoots for leading fashion labels. You’ve networked your little styling heart out and now you just need the high-profile clients to get your name out there and establish your brand.
Mood: Inspired
Hourly Wage: 75
Daily Wage: 600
Schedule: M – W T F S –
Objectives: Charisma 8, Logic 6
Celebrity Stylist
A Celebrity Stylist works with his or her clients in many situations and capacities, from red carpet events and commercial shoots to shopping and salon trips and holds many roles, such as fashion consultant, personal shopper and even unofficial psychologist. Now that you have celebrity clients, the fashion world knows your name. Occasionally they even respect it, but no one can deny your role as an influential player in the game of fashion!
Mood: Inspired
Hourly Wage: 123
Daily Wage: 861
Schedule: – T W T – S –
Objectives: Charisma 9, Logic 8
Your own offices, a TV show and your own line of clothing, accessories, a styling team of your own and a budding digital media empire. These days you work with some of Hollywood’s biggest names, design a popular ready-to-wear line, and run an online fashion blog. With the responsibilities of designing several fashion collections a year and an ongoing mix of interesting side projects, it’s safe to say you’re one fashionista who NEVER sleeps!
Mood: Inspired
Hourly Wage: 206
Daily Wage: 1648
Schedule: – T W T F – –
Objectives: Charisma 10, Logic 10
Track 6: Fashion Buying
Retail buyers are the brains behind which products or garments are sourced and stocked in advance of a coming season for retail outlets. Purchasing decisions for the company are based on customer demand, market and seasonal trends, store brand, and budget. The buyer stays current on the latest fashion trends to decide what customers might want to buy next. They order and track the merchandise as it is shipped from the supplier. Do you love to shop? Have you ever dreamed of doing it for a living? Obviously, you’re a budding Fashion Buyer!
Assistant Buyer
An assistant buyer works closely with vendors, maintaining positive relationships while negotiating specs, pricing, and deadlines. In this highly technical role, you’ll have to communicate with all people involved in the buying process of JF&S Clothiers -an internationally renowned retail brand- and deal with any problems that may arise, as you assist buyers and managers with writing purchase orders, buying merchandise, and managing inventory.
Mood: Focused
Hourly Wage: 28
Daily Wage: 224
Schedule: M T W T F – –
Objectives: Logic 6, Charisma 5
Senior Buyer
The senior buyer is responsible for negotiating long-term and short-term transactions with vendors and designers. You now plan and incorporate strategic purchasing plans company-wide. As senior buyer you’re also responsible for collecting and gathering data on potential suppliers and carriers. But wait! There’s more! You also schedule shipping times and manage the requirements of freight travel. Thank goodness for all those spreadsheets!
Mood: Focused
Hourly Wage: 46
Daily Wage: 368
Schedule: M T W T F – –
Objectives: Logic 7, Charisma 5
Purchasing Manager
Purchasing managers are involved in all aspects of the company’s business, from development to finding costs savings to corporate strategy to production. Now that you’re an *ahem* Purchasing Manager, you review proposals for new projects, and interact with the marketing teams to discuss sales proposals and marketing strategies. In school they called you the thrifty fashionista for your love of bargains, but now that finding cost savings is a big part of your job those skills are coming in handy!
Mood: Focused
Hourly Wage: 58
Daily Wage: 464
Schedule: M T W T F – –
Objectives: Logic 8, Charisma 7
Purchasing Director
As Purchasing Director of JF&S Clothiers, you’re responsible for overseeing their organization’s purchasing, logistics, and operations staff. Your main objective is to ensure that all departmental employees are providing high-quality work and meeting all company standards. You also provide leadership to supply chain and operations teams and ensure purchasing requests are completed in a timely, efficient manner. You’re tough, your fair, you’re organized and above all, very very stylish.
Mood: Focused
Hourly Wage: 71
Daily Wage: 568
Schedule: M T W T F – –
Objectives: Logic 9, Charisma 9
No one knows the business of fashion and the style palette of the JF&S Clothiers customer better than you. You’ve had your hand in so many areas of the chain that you were the natural (if somewhat unorthodox choice of the Board) to lead JF&S Clothiers into the next era as the fashion titan your chain has become. You’re the face of J&S and your skills at buying and logistical matters, pricing strategy, sales and profitability, marketing, sustainability, expansion and development of the brand are without peer. Long may you reign!
Mood: Focused
Hourly Wage: 102
Daily Wage: 816
Schedule: M T W T F – –
Objectives: Logic 10, Charisma 10
Track 7: Fashion Modeling
A model is a person with a role either to promote, display or advertise commercial products, or to serve as a visual aid for people who are creating works of art or to pose for photography. Do you often watch modeling shows with fashion models strutting their stuff down the runway, and wish you could be like them? Gliding in style with all the lights and cameras focused on them? If you love high fashion and have the looks to go along with that passion, a modeling career may be for you.
Parts Model
What’s that you smell? A hint of FREEDOM? You just couldn’t take it anymore. As you sat at your laptop pondering your resignation letter, no one was more surprised than you when a visiting agent grabbed your hand and pronounced it PERFECT! Your hands are perfect (your legs and face aren’t anything to sneeze at either). Well his grab jostled your hand. The resignation got sent and… oh well! Now you’re a parts model. Your hands. Your feet. Your legs. Your digits are gold and your new agent wants to pay for your head shots and see what else you can do!
Mood: Inspired
Hourly Wage: 27
Daily Wage: 162
Schedule: M T – T F S –
Objectives: Fitness 2, Charisma 5
Catalog Model
Catalog modeling isn’t what it used to be. Thanks to a little something called the Internet, catalog models are more valuable than ever. They’re in shoppers’ mailboxes of course (print catalogs aren’t going anywhere anytime soon), but they’re also taking over the digital world. With your perfect face, glowing skin, healthy hair, and a killer smile, you slid right into a major client’s target audience. It’s actually fun! Different looks every day and the best thing is you have a huge opportunity here to jump start your career and perhaps move into editorial modeling!
Mood: Inspired
Hourly Wage: 38
Daily Wage: 304
Schedule: M T W T F – –
Objectives: Fitness 4, Charisma 6
Runway Model
The second most popular type of modeling is runway. Runway modeling is the art of walking down the runway like a cat, like a slinky sexy cat that cannot be interrupted. The best runway models have an air of confidence and indifference that cannot be matched. These gorgeous women walk effortlessly, slowly and like they have no-where-to-go-that-should-be-of-any-interest-to-you-attitude. Yet they can sell clothes. YOU sell clothes. You make the clothes you wear. And the travel and glamour is a HUGE perk!
Mood: Inspired
Hourly Wage: 75
Daily Wage: 600
Schedule: – T W T F – –
Objectives: Fitness 4, Charisma 7
Editorial Model
The easiest way to distinguish between editorial and commercial models is the height of the model. Editorial fashion models are tall (usually 5’9″ minimum) and uniquely attractive, on trend. These models are “fashion” models so not just pretty faces but beautiful and different looking, too. With your height and unusual look, you’re a natural for editorial modeling. You have that “it” factor and people are starting to notice. Designers have begun to ask for you by name. You’ve even graced the covers of “IN”… you let your agent negotiate with Hannah though.
Mood: Inspired
Hourly Wage: 115
Daily Wage: 805
Schedule: M T W – F – –
Objectives: Fitness 8, Charisma 9
Contrary to popular belief, a supermodel is not just any prominent model. There are only a select few. One of them is YOU. You stand on the shoulders of icons like Alek Wek, Christy Turlington, Kate Moss, Tyson Beckford, David Gandy and Brad Kroenig. You’ve graced IN, Vogue, W. The list is endless. You’ve stomped runways from Paris to New York to Milan. Modeling is a notoriously ruthless industry, but those who claw their way to the top are often incredibly well- compensated for their success. You’re now known as the face that launched a thousand labels. You are a BRAND.
Mood: Inspired
Hourly Wage: 201
Daily Wage: 1206
Schedule: M – W T – – –
Objectives: Fitness 10, Charisma 10
Career cheat is tested and working!
testingcheats on
And then:
careers.promote career_Adult_UltimateFashionista
I did not in ANY way base this on any other career.
It’s 100% my own creation and a LOT of work went into it. So…
Thank you so much in advance if you decide to try Ultimate Fashionista. I hope you enjoy living your most fashionable Sim life!
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1. Download: Click the File tab to see the download link. Click the link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract: Use WinRAR (Windows) to extract the file(s) from the .rar or .zip file(s).
3. Cut and paste the file(s) into your Mods folder
Windows XP: Documents and Settings(Current User Account)My DocumentsElectronic ArtsThe Sims 4Mods
Windows Vista/7/8/8.1: Users(Current User Account)DocumentsElectronic ArtsThe Sims 4Mods
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Anyone can use both .rar and .zip files easily! On Windows, use WinRAR.
If you don’t have a Mods folder, just make one.