Robot traits (5 flavors) Mod
Robot traits (5 flavors) Mod
Behold, a new trait that can transform your ordinary Sim into a robot! Inspired by The Sims 3: Into the Future and these tattoos that make your Sim look like a robot. Robots build skills 2x as fast as regular Sims and have needs that never decay (which needs never decay depends on the flavor you choose). This mod comes in five flavors: Robot, Sleepless Robot, Hybrid Robot, Artificial Intelligence, and Sleepless Artificial intelligence. You can have multiple installed at once, but don’t give multiple robot traits to one sim.
Known issues:
If you create a trait similar to this I would love to hear about it! This mod is very basic because I don’t have any experience to do anything other than the bare minimum. For example, I wanted to create a ‘beta’ version where there was a small percentage that it would have a glitch (dazed emotion for 4 or so hours), but I couldn’t figure out how to add buffs.
Additional Credits:
Kneph for Robot Dermal Tattoos used in screenshots
Creators of S4PE
Zerbu’s The Sims 4 Buff and Trait Factory