Bust the Dust Tweaks Mod

Bust the Dust Tweaks Mod
EDIT: After uploading this and MTS taking nearly a week to approve it, I’ve seen Zero, Lotharihoe and LittlemsSam make very similar dust mods (much better than I did probably). Please just take care and download carefully without conflicts.
This mod does two things, which makes the Bust the Dust kit much more playable. Feel free to install only one part or both, they don’t conflict
1. Much slower dust accumulation
The EA default is ridiculous. Within 5 hours my Sim living alone had a dirty house! So with this mod, dust will collect much more slowly – the time they take to accumulate has been more than halved. Dust starts to gather at around 3-4 days, which I think is much more realistic. It would also take a good week and a half for your home to become filthy: again, much more realistic.
2. No dust bunnies
The idea of dust bunnies is just silly – The Sims 4 is turning into a game for toddlers! I played with them once, got bored and thought they spawn far too often and gives away way too much money (even gave me a Jungle Adventure treasure worth 10000, what?!). So if you don’t want dust bunnies but still would like the dust system, this is for you.
This mod requires Bust the Dust kit to be of any use in the game.
Will be updated in the future if needed
No known conflicts
Modified Resources
The mod alters the following resources in-game, and will conflict with other mods that modifies these:
Instance 000000000003E1FF / commodity_Dust
Instance 000000000003F1B0 / loot_Dust_Commodity_SpawnObjects
Instance 000000000003E208 / loot_Dust_State_Dusty
Instance 000000000003E206 / loot_Dust_State_Dirty
Instance 000000000003E205 / loot_Dust_State_Filthy
To install, simply unzip the contents into My Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 4/Mods