Decor with a Purpose: Functional Sunblock Mod

Decor with a Purpose: Functional Sunblock Mod
The Spa Day addon overrides some tuning for the sunblock buff to interact with the High Maintenance Hates Sun buff. With this addon sims with sunblock on won’t get the Hate Sun buff and sims with the buff can get rid of it by applying sunblock either from my object or from towels and chairs with the interaction. It’s not required for this mod to work and it doesn’t actually require the main mod. However, it still requires Island Living as well as Spa Day.
Pack Requirements & Compatibility:
Requires Island Living both for the object and the functionality
The addons require Outdoor Retreat and Spa Day as marked
flerb’s Automatic Sunburns seems to also use the default sunblock buff so this should work with it. Let me know if it doesn’t.
Future plans
Adding this interaction to my Functional Beach Basket
If you’re an object creator and want to use my tuning you totally can. Just link people to my stuff to download it and send me a link to your work if you want me to share it.