Drag Me to Fabulous – An Ultimate Career **TESTED WITH 12/20/18 PATCH** Mod

Drag Me to Fabulous – An Ultimate Career **TESTED WITH 12/20/18 PATCH** Mod
*** Tested with Get Famous (not required) and Game Version AKA the November 13, 2018 Update (definitely required) ***
PLEASE NOTE: You WILL need the newest Neia Career Commons file (included in download) also!
Also just as an FYI (because I thought it was a bug and was about to completely embarrass myself on Neia’s forum) as
of the last patch, EA removed the “ideal mood” for rabbit hole careers.
Oh… You knew that already… So… It was just me? Okay then…. Carry on.
This is a bit different from any career I’ve seen out there. I hope like anything that it doesn’t offend. I created it with adoration, and it’s meant in fun. This career is… kind of my love letter to drag, one of my favorite art forms.
There are 10 levels and 4 paths. The paths are loosely based on a few of my favorite Queens from RuPaul’s Drag Race. If you’re a Drag Race stan like me, it won’t be difficult to guess who they are.
A word about the pay levels. They are low at the beginning and then high towards the later levels by EA standards, but they’re researched against pay for these kinds of actual careers in the real world and are pretty accurate.
Fans of Drag Race know the current prize for the winner is one hundred thousand DOLLARS (did you hear RuPaul just then?), SO… the winner level lasts for one day and the pay is… yup… 100,000 Simoleons. I can’t change the bonus system though, so you get a HUGE bonus when you go to that level. If MORE money bothers you, the cheat to reduce funds is “money ” (with the amount being whatever you had before the big bonus). The schedule for that level is every day so that no matter what day you get the promotion, the next day you win!
One last note: After you “win” the pay levels will drop. That isn’t a glitch. You won the big prize, but now you’re working for a living again. The game isn’t really set up for that either though. You’ll get the standard message about a raise, but the amount of your raise will be a negative (whatever the drop is). Ironically, you still get a bonus though, so nonetheless a win. ?
Annnnd noooooooow… fire up the DRAGULATOR! It’s time for…
Drag Me to Fabulous
Come a little closer hunty, here’s the T. You love drag. You LIVE for drag. But could you really slay the children? Do you have that ‘it” factor. Can you capture an audience and keep them in the palm of your fishy hand? Could you make drag… *gasp* a career? Well “put some base in your walk” and let’s find out hunty!
Career Details:
Club Kid
Drag is your hobby. By day, you wear oatmeal clothes and work a 9-5, but by night? Chiiiiile, you come alive. ALLL the fish comes out. You beat your face, get fierce, tear UP the scene and make them EAT IT! You‘re feeling the fantasy, but dang, drag ain’t cheap! What you need are some gigs to keep this going.
Mood: Playful
PTO: .33
Hourly Wage: 15
Daily Wage: 75
Schedule: M T W T F S S
Objectives: Dancing 2, Charisma 1
Bar Queen
Echa Pa’ Lante! You got a bar gig! And then another! Look at you becoming a real-live drag queen! Sure, the seasoned queens may judge you. And yeah… your make-up is terrible hunty, but you won’t be busted for-evah! You got to start small to be big! What you need is a drag-mother!
Mood: Playful
PTO: .33
Hourly Wage: 25
Daily Wage: 125
Schedule: – T W T F S –
Objectives: Charisma 1, Comedy 1
Instagram Darling
You’ve started posting on the ‘Gram and before you could say “Ornacia” you’ve gotten a solid following. Who needs make-up skills when you’ve got FaceTune and filters? You have a drag mum and she is changing your LIFE hunty! You’re serving sick’ning looks and posting them regularly on your way your new club gigs. Keep turning the party and you could be a headliner!
Mood: Playful
PTO: .33
Hourly Wage: 30
Daily Wage: 150
Schedule: – T W T F S –
Objectives: Charisma 3, Photography 2
Club Headliner
Yaaaas Kween! You carry the show now. And if your drag mommy dearest has started throwing shade, surely it’s ‘cause she just a jealous old thing. You don’t need her. You don’t need anyone. You’re on your way to being a STAR hunty and drag is your full time job! Now… if only you could land a coveted spot on RuPaul’s Drag Race and take your realness to the international stage!
Mood: Playful
PTO: .33
Hourly Wage: 75
Daily Wage: 375
Schedule: – T W – F S –
Objectives: Charisma 4, Comedy 4, Dancing 3
Drag Race Contestant
BAM! Your audition tape SLAYED and you got the call. THE call honey! Time to show the WORLD your charisma, uniqueness, nerve and talent. Just remember: Drag is not a contact sport. This is not RuPaul’s best friend race. And, for GOD’s SAKE keep your wig on during the lip-syncs (unless you have another wig under it) and DON’T DO BEYONCE ON SNATCH GAME!!! Hope you’re ready. The library is now open hunty… Officially!
Mood: Inspired
PTO: .33
Hourly Wage: 80
Daily Wage: 400
Schedule: M T W T F – –
Objectives: Charisma 5, Comedy 6, Handiness 2, Singing 2, Dancing 4, Mischief 2
Track 1: Comedy Queen
AKA the Camp Queen. You could be fish… if you wanted to. But your rolodex of hate is just too handy, and your fans can’t get enough! Your drag aesthetic is satire, over-the-top and above all comedic. The pageant girls may underestimate you. Those fish queens may say you’re resting on ugly. But you? You’re laughing all the way to bank hunty!
Drag Race Winner
Hold on to your lace front!!! You did it! Shanty you stayed!… And stayed! Condragulations! You’re a winner baby! As you walk down the aisle in your Fierce Drag Jewels crown with visions of $100,000 Simoleons in prize money dancing in your fevered brain, you can’t help but wonder, “Where does a diva go from here?”
Mood: Happy
PTO: .99999 (Take a day off Queen. You’ve earned it!)
Hourly Wage: 12500
Daily Wage: 100000
Schedule: M T W T F S S
Objectives: None
YouTube Superstar
Of course, WOW Presents came calling. Your weekly show is a gaganari dahling. When you clock a queen, social media explodes. And what can she say in return? When YOU say, “Beat it Queen!” library cards are REVOKED! But, I mean YouTube? Did you shave your legs for this?
Mood: Playful
PTO: .33
Hourly Wage: 105
Daily Wage: 525
Schedule: – – T W T – –
Objectives: Charisma 7, Comedy 7, Handiness 3
National Tours
Now THIS is more like it! You’re touring to sold out shows all over the country. People clamber for a front row seat and hope you insult them! You have actual talent honey and you can’t fake talent. You’ve been called an expert on nothing with an opinion on everything, but these ho’s can’t touch you when you’re cashin’ checks baby!
Mood: Playful
PTO: .33
Hourly Wage: 150
Daily Wage: 750
Schedule: – T – T F S –
Objectives: Charisma 8, Comedy 8
Your Own Show and Movies Too
Now this is more like it! Acting is easy. The core of your brand is your brutal honesty. So, what better topic to make a show about than… YOURSELF. Logo contracted you for a summer season comedy about a ‘young’ drag queen trying to break into show business. Then you land a couple movie appearances. Annnd then your own movie. Make that two movies! Where will it end?
Mood: Playful
PTO: .33
Hourly Wage: 250
Daily Wage: 1250
Schedule: M T W T F – –
Objectives: Charisma 9
International Celebrity
Short answer hunty? It won’t. Them thirsty young queens look at you and think, “She already done had herses!” But you’re headlining sold out standup comedy tours worldwide. You make movies. You wrote a self-help book and created a line of makeup removers. For goodness sake, what can’t you do? You keep it tight queen. Now, they call YOU… MUTHA!
Mood: Playful
PTO: .33
Hourly Wage: 350
Daily Wage: 2100
Schedule: M – W T F S –
Objectives: Charisma 10, Comedy 10
Track 2: Fashion Queen
Some queens read books. You turn lewks! You know your designers, you know your silhouettes. Your face? Unclockable. Your form? Perfection. And your fashion honey? You knock those fans right out of their seats every time you walk the runway. You sing… ok. You can act a little too. But, put you behind a sewing machine and yes GAWD! You leave blood on the runway darling!
Drag Race Winner
Hold on to your lace front!!! You did it! Shanty you stayed!… And stayed! Condragulations! You’re a winner baby! As you walk down the aisle in your Fierce Drag Jewels crown with visions of $100,000 Simoleons in prize money dancing in your fevered brain, you can’t help but wonder… “Where does a diva go from here?”
Mood: Happy
PTO: .99999 (Take a day off Queen. You’ve earned it!)
Hourly Wage: 12500
Daily Wage: 100000
Schedule: M T W T F S S
Objectives: None
Make-up and Fashion Tutorials
Whelp, when not touring with the Drag Race show you went back to YouTube. It isn’t as depressing as it sounds. Your weekly tutorials teaching the children all about fashion, tucking and beating their face for the GAWDS make you a tidy sum. Your aerial hoops and silks show regularly brings down the house. But your dream is fashion. It’s always been fashion. Time to werk on THAT dream hunty!
Mood: Inspired
PTO: .33
Hourly Wage: 120
Daily Wage: 525
Schedule: – T W T – – –
Objectives: Charisma 6, Painting 3
Professional Make-up Artist
What, a Lewk queen can’t diversify? You took your skills on the road with a certain musical sensation. We can’t name names of course. But YOU can. And you drop that name all over place like the adorable professional climber you are (no shame mama!). Halleloo!!! Your following on the ‘Gram has soared into the stratosphere! And… what’s this? Is the “mainstream” fashion world feeling your oats too?
Mood: Inspired
PTO: .33
Hourly Wage: 175
Daily Wage: 1050
Schedule: M T – T F S –
Objectives: Charisma 7, Painting 6
Hmmm… first drag model for a major ad campaign? And in lingerie no less, your impeccable tuck displayed for the WORLD. Not too shabby girlfriend. Before you know it, you’re walking the runway for major fashion lines. And, BAM! When you werk that runway during Milan Fashion Week? Gurl! You become a glamazon for the ages!
Mood: Inspired
PTO: .33
Hourly Wage: 250
Daily Wage: 1250
Schedule: – – W T F S –
Objectives: Charisma 8
Fashion Designer
Come throooooooogh! You’ve made drop dead dresses for your good judies all your professional life. Now, your line of designer drag is a BRAND hunty. Queens vie for your custom frocks like they’re Dolce & Gabana. Quite a few major celebs have rocked them too! When you won, they tried to clock you for being nothing but a pretty face and relying on that body-ody-ody. But, YOU keep it tight queen. Now, they call YOU… MUTHA!
Mood: Inspired
PTO: .33
Hourly Wage: 350
Daily Wage: 1750
Schedule: M T W T – – –
Objectives: Charisma 10, Handiness 5, Painting 10
Track 3: Music Queen
Other queens may have tried to clock you for your messy drag and grungy style, but you know who you are and what you can do! Far from a flash in the pan, you have real musical talent. Can you turn this Drag Race platform into a launching pad for a serious musical career? Time to show these pageant girls what you really have in your big furry pink box!
Drag Race Winner
Hold on to your lace front!!! You did it! Shanty you stayed!… And stayed! Condragulations! You’re a winner baby! As you walk down the aisle in your Fierce Drag Jewels crown with visions of $100,000 Simoleons in prize money dancing in your fevered brain, you can’t help but wonder… “Where does a diva go from here?”
Mood: Happy
PTO: .99999 (Take a day off Queen. You’ve earned it!)
Hourly Wage: 12500
Daily Wage: 100000
Schedule: M T W T F S S
Objectives: None
iTunes Toonstress
“Now available on iTunes.” is practically your signature phrase. Like many a post Drag Race queen, your first move was dropping a dance single. But unlike the rest, you and auto-tune have nothing to say to each other. Also, ahem, YOURS sell… and keep selling. Your videos have high production values and are starting to break out. One can’t help but wonder what would happen if you took your show on the road.
Mood: Inspired
PTO: .33
Hourly Wage: 130
Daily Wage: 650
Schedule: M T W T F – –
Objectives: Charisma 7, Singing 3, Dancing 5
Touring Sensation
Shantay you SLAY! After the obligatory Drag Race alumni tours, you just… kept touring. And touring. You’ve opened for mainstream artists and sometimes it seems like the people came to see YOU and not the headliner. You’re starting to go mainstream in a big way. As mainstream as gender-bending unapologetic drag diva can go anyway.
Mood: Inspired
PTO: .33
Hourly Wage: 200
Daily Wage: 1000
Schedule: – – – T F S –
Objectives: Charisma 8, Singing 5
Top of the Charts
Billboard? And not under the dance section. Yes, ma’am Pam! You’re a pop sensation! You’ve appeared in videos with icons like TSwift and Gaga. Now, YOUR albums and videos are topping the “mainstream” charts. You’re known as the VOICE and no one calls you busted now!
Mood: Inspired
PTO: .33
Hourly Wage: 450
Daily Wage: 2250
Schedule: – T – T F S –
Objectives: Charisma 9, Singing 8
Hollywood called, and you answered in SPADES hunty! You own everything! With movie credits under your belt and a lucrative gig as a prime-time talent show judge, you’re practically a household name. You’re so happy in your own skin, you walked OUT of your appearance on All-Stars and turned down a return visit! You keep it tight queen. Now, they call YOU… MUTHA!
Mood: Inspired
PTO: .33
Hourly Wage: 600
Daily Wage: 3000
Schedule: – – – T F S –
Objectives: Charisma 10, Singing 10
Track 4: Avant Garde Queen
Theater Queen… Performance Queen… Activessle? You always defied definitions and labels. The pageant queens want desperately to clock you, but you’re so polished they. Just. Can’t. You don’t follow any of the established “rules” of drag. Their insults roll off you like water off a duck’s back. But, can you spit in the face of convention and still find a big enough audience to keep you in MAC and red bottoms (and we don’t mean Pleasers honey)?
Drag Race Winner
Hold on to your lace front!!! You did it! Shanty you stayed!… And stayed! Condragulations! You’re a winner baby! As you walk down the aisle in your Fierce Drag Jewels crown with visions of $100,000 Simoleons in prize money dancing in your fevered brain, you can’t help but wonder… “Where does a diva go from here?”
Mood: Happy
PTO: .99999 (Take a day off Queen. You’ve earned it!)
Hourly Wage: 12500
Daily Wage: 100000
Schedule: M T W T F S S
Objectives: None
Now that you have an international platform, you use it! You don’t just perform, you educate the world about drag and drag culture. You REPRESENT the culture and practically teach drag “her”story in your sleep. Your quarterly drag magazine, “Velvet” is a sell out with every issue and ostrich feathers FLY as queens fight to be featured. But your vision is just getting started!
Mood: Focused
PTO: .33
Hourly Wage: 145
Daily Wage: 725
Schedule: – M T W – F –
Objectives: Charisma 7, Logic 3
Forget headlining in the clubs. You’ve gone beyond that girlfriend! Between appearances, interviews and tours, you produce and host a monthly drag show at the Stargazer Lounge – only THE most exclusive venue in San Myshuno. You LOVE to give your fellow queens exposure and the San Myshuno Times has celebrated YOUR show; “Nightgowns” as “beautiful and funny and politically charged.” High praise indeed!
Mood: Focused
PTO: .33
Hourly Wage: 200
Daily Wage: 800
Schedule: – – W T F S –
Objectives: Charisma 8, Logic 5
There’s truth in comedy and you’re all about TRUTH hunty. So, if your one ‘woman’ Off-Broadway show offends the haters, you don’t lose a wink of sleep over it. You broach topics that matter like bullying, racism and anti-gay violence. Your production has racked up critical acclaim in theaters around the country and now you have a permanent home off-Broadway. OK… Off-off-Broadway, but you bring the house down, boots EVERY night you perform!
Mood: Inspired
PTO: .33
Hourly Wage: 350
Daily Wage: 1400
Schedule: – – W – F S S
Objectives: Charisma 7, Logic 7, Singing 8, Writing 2
Broadway Baby
At last! You’re a bonafide Broadway Baby! After your starring turn in “Kinky Boots” even the “mainstream” theater critics took note of your charisma, uniqueness, nerve and talent! “Hedwig and the Angry Inch?” Nailed it. “RENT?” paid in full! You’ve made a name for yourself and now you’re bringing your one “woman” show to Broadway. Could that be a Tony on your mantel next to your Drag Race crown and scepter? We wouldn’t be a bit surprised. You keep it tight queen. Now, they call YOU… MUTHA!
Mood: Inspired
PTO: .33
Hourly Wage: 550
Daily Wage: 2750
Schedule: – T W – F S –
Objectives: Charisma 10, Dancing 5, Singing 10
Career cheat is tested and working!
testingcheats on
And then:
careers.promote career_Adult_DragMeToFabulous
I did not in ANY way base this on any other career. It’s 100% my own creation and a LOT of work went into it. So…
Thank you so much in advance if you decide to try Drag Me to Fabulous. I hope your Sim enjoys living their drag queen dreams.
Disclaimer: As often happens in fiction, there are some real people and networks/shows mentioned in this career. All networks and shows referenced in this career are trademarks™ or registered® trademarks of their respective holders. Use of them does not imply any affiliation with or endorsement by them.
Basic Download and Install Instructions:
1. Download: Click the File tab to see the download link. Click the link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract: Use WinRAR (Windows) to extract the file(s) from the .rar or .zip file(s).
3. Cut and paste the file(s) into your Mods folder
Windows XP: Documents and Settings(Current User Account)My DocumentsElectronic ArtsThe Sims 4Mods
Windows Vista/7/8/8.1: Users(Current User Account)DocumentsElectronic ArtsThe Sims 4Mods
Need more information?
Anyone can use both .rar and .zip files easily! On Windows, use WinRAR.
If you don’t have a Mods folder, just make one.