W.i.t.c.h. Fan’s Dream – CAS Background Mod

W.i.t.c.h. Fan’s Dream – CAS Background Mod
Are you a w.i.t.c.h. fan? Do you miss the series(or comic)? Then this is the Create-A-Sim(CAS) background for you! It’s a nice little room with some chairs, a rug, and most importantly a poster with Will Vandom on it.
But remember, you won’t see her unless you only have one CAS background in the mods folder.
DISCLAIMER: I do not own any images in the background. There were multiple images I found on google, then proceeded to use and edit to my own will(pun intended). In the end, it became my first piece of custom content(if a background counts – I think it is, I spent four hours on this!)